More About Us

The Fresh Xpress emerged as an external branch of a personal project created by Daniel Smith. Daniel is an independent journalist who believes the truth must be revealed and shared with the community in order to create a more conscious and critical society. He believes that the modern press is heavily influenced by trends, which has caused it to lose its initial value and to become permeated with partial truths that do not represent the true essence of journalism: unbiased information. Even though Daniel is convinced that critiquing and personal opinions must be included within the field, he wanted to bring more richness to the industry by creating a platform that allowed columnists to write freely. This is how The Fresh Xpress came to be. The news website is founded upon the values of sincerity, impartiality, fairness, transparency, and loyalty. We believe that a writer should stay true to themselves over all. What makes a good journalist is their ability to stay loyal to their ideologies and defend them at all costs. We are constantly recruiting members who are not afraid to raise their voices and use their talent to spread their knowledge. Enlightening others by giving them educational tools through news is our main goal and source of rejoicing. We believe that our mission is to make society more critical of the data they consume daily. Social media is plagued with fake news that contaminates our minds and prevents us from making insightful analyses. Fresh Xpress wants to make a change and revolutionize the way that we see news. Our proposal is to create an interactive community that debates our news’ topics and helps build unique opinions that contribute to the development of our society. We are firm believers that the best way to impart knowledge is by making people question what they’ve known their entire lives. Only through questioning can we reach and deconstruct the structural ideas that have been imposed on us.

Daniel Smith

I am Daniel Smith, founder of The Fresh Xpress and an experienced journalist. The Fresh Xpress was born after I decided to quit my first office job in a big newspaper company. I felt out of place like I could not speak about the topics that truly moved me. I decided I needed to get away and start my own newspaper, where the most important attributes were writing with transparency and honesty. Not only writing about truthful facts but also staying true to your character. I am a risky person who believes change comes from oneself. The Fresh Xpress has been my biggest project yet, and I think I can make a real difference in this world next to my crew of journalists.